Above-treshold ionization (ATI) by femtosecond laser pulses centered at 515,nm is studied for a gas mixture containing the Van-der-Waals complex Ar-H$_2$O. By detecting photoions and -electrons in coincidence, the ATI spectra for Ar, Ar$_2$, H$_2$O, and Ar-H$_2$O are discerned and measured simultaneously. Using an intensity-scanning technique, we observe the red-shift of the ATI spectra as a function of the laser intensity. The intensity-dependent shift of the ATI peak positions observed for Ar-H$_2$O and H$_2$O match but significantly differ from the ones measured for Ar and Ar$_2$. This indicates that the photoelectron is emitted from the H$_2$O site of the complex and the vertical ionization potential of Ar-H$_2$O is determined as $(12.4 \pm 0.1)$,eV. For resacttered electrons, however, an enhancement of high-order ATI is observed for Ar-H$_2$O, as compared to H$_2$O, suggesting that the relatively large Ar atom acts as a scattering center, which influences the ionization dynamics.
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